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Permanent Hair Reduction / Pigmentation Removal / Rejuvenation

We offer a range of treatments specially designed to reduce the appearance of pigmentation giving you clearer skin.

Do you want to rejuvenate, reduce your pore size or get rid of your broken capillaries and pigmented lesions?

E-light is a high-intelligent and non-ablative technology that simultaneously harnesses the power of radio frequency (RF) and optical energy (IPL).

Ultra optical energy causes the skin to initiate a natural healing process that rebuilds new collagen, removes broken capillaries and pigmented lesions.

The radio frequency excites water molecules from which the resultant heat decreases the pore size, tightens the skin, and provides superior wrinkle reduction and smoother skin texture-usually immediately.

Laser is a permanent hair reduction procedure that has a specific wavelength of light which is attracted to dark pigment on and within the skin.

There are two types of technologies designed to permanently reduce or remove unwanted hair – Lasers, and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL).

Both methods are considered light-based treatments, however, there are differences between the two.

Lasers work by emitting one single wavelength of light, (monochromatic) maximising light penetration to the targeted area. IPLs emit a broad-spectrum pulsed light covering a wider area.

IPL technology is used for photo rejuvenation of the skin, which treats hyper pigmentation and sun damage, as well as acne.

When using lasers or IPL, you need to take into account the thickness and darkness of the hair being targeted and the colour of your skin.

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